Diversity in practice

If you have read our relevant Training Module or Blog Αrticle regarding diversity and inclusion in the workplace, you already know the benefits they can bring to your team. However, it is not all rainbows and roses: a diverse team can prove a bit more difficult to handle. But fear not: in Module 2: Challenges of having a diverse team (Impact area) and this article, we will help you manage your team members effectively, regardless of their differences.

To manage a team of different people, you first need to understand their different characteristics, allow them to express their opinion regarding work matters, and make sure to harbour clear communication with everyone, separating facts from personal opinions.

But even if you implement the above tips, conflicts may still arise. Cultural differences such as norms, values and practices should be respected, but at the same time they should not cause discomfort to others and personal boundaries should also be respected: this is a thin line, with mutual understanding and conflict management being imperative in balancing it correctly.

Real diversity and inclusion in the workplace also mean that the needs of the employees must not only be recognised, but also addressed. Whether they are infrastructure improvements/additions for accessibility reasons, support with language barriers or personal equipment, as a manager you should try to find solutions to the extent possible.

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